ULmonitor for bees

Healthy lifestyle trend and the increased awareness of the importance of bees in nature cause the development of interest in beekeeping. New apiaries are being created and numerous scientific projects are being carried out. Beekeeping derives from tradition, but recently also from modern technologies. ULmonitor is a "apiary on the screen" - it allows you to use digital solutions to effectively manage an apiary, observe the bee colonies, supervise the situation in the beehive, as well as to conduct scientific panel research, the results of which may help bees survive in an endangered environment. ULmonitor in scientific research ULmonitor is a system that can be used in scientific research. It allows you to collect and compare parameters in hives from the selected periods, as well as to transfer and process this data. Temperature, humidity and weight is mainly what our system records. In the future, we plan to expand its capabilities by also adding a sensor of carbon dioxide concentration. Everything is going to depend on the necessities reported by beekeepers and research teams.

ULmonitor in an apiary

Parameters such as temperature, humidity and weihgt can be practically used, for instance, for a general analysis of the condition of the bee colony inside the hive without unnecessary interference. This is particularly important in winter and in unfavorable weather conditions. From the reading of the parameters on the screen or phone, we can easily conclude: • if the the overwintering passed without any problems? • in which moment the queen bee starts to lay her eggs • in which moment the queen bee finishes laying their eggs • if there is sufficient ventilation in the hive? The parameters collected from hives in our apiary (temperature, humidity and possibly weight) are available online after logging in to the ULmonitor console on the website: http: //konsola.ulmonitor.pl All data is publicly available. They can be observed in real time on charts or downloaded in pdf or csv files. Our apiary can be watched online after logging in to the website: http://konsola.ulmonitor.pl Login details: user: pasiekapoznan@ulmonitor.pl password: ulmonitor

What is ULmonitor ?

ULmonitor is a monitoring system for beehives. It includes the device and the application, which allow for wireless observation, checking, collection and visualization of the hive’s temperature, humidity and weihgt. System can be also used in the incubators of queen bees, in pollen dryers or for the monitoring of any rooms. Other then this Ulmonitor can be additionally used for these purposes: • a temperature preview and also optional preview of the humidity of a given hive / room • registration of the temperature and also optional preview of the humidity of a given hive / room with generated reports and charts • user console for ongoing monitoring, archiving and visualization of the data from hives How does ULmonitor work ? The system can be controlled with a smartphone or a PC. It is characterized by high accuracy in a very wide range of temperatures. Battery located in the recorder ensures continuous work for up to 3 years. The Radio channel and NFC technology available in Smartphones allow you to receive and save precise information about the condition in the indicated hive or room. Depending on the chosen version, you can use the system in various ways.